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Legal Disclaimer

O Bagaça Cast é um podcast quinzenal onde amigos se reúnem para discutir sobre cultura pop, animes, mangás e tudo mais que envolve o universo geek. Nosso objetivo é proporcionar uma boa resenha entre amigos e levar entretenimento para nossos ouvintes. Nós utilizamos cookies para garantir que você tenha a melhor experiência em nosso site. Ao continuar navegando, vamos assumir que você está feliz com isso.

Política de Cookies - noções fundamentais

That said, in some jurisdictions you need to inform your website visitors if your website tracks personal information using cookies or similar technologies. In these jurisdictions, local regulations often include an obligation to clarify which tracking tools (e.g. cookies, flash cookies, web beacons, etc.) your website uses and what types of personal information these technologies collect. These policies often also tell visitors what the site is doing with the information it collects.


It is important to note that third-party services that apply cookies or use other tracking technologies through Wix services may have their own information collection and storage policies. Because these are external services, these practices are not covered by the Wix Privacy Policy.

To learn more about it, check out ourarticle.

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